About the project
Prodima SRL, as a beneficiary, carries out the project “Diversification of production through the acquisition of tangible and intangible assets in order to increase the labor productivity at PRODIMA SRL Bistrita”, SMIS code 112708, financed through the Regional Operational Program 2014-2020, priority axis 2, priority of investments 2.2.
The general objective of PRODIMA is toincrease competitiveness, labor productivity and improve export potential, in order to develop business and obtain profit.
Specific objectives of the project
• Diversification of production by introducing at least 3 new product lines into manufacturing over the next 5 years, in a new field of activity
• Increase of the turnover of the company by at least 2% per year, over the next 5 years
• Increasing the competitive capacity through the implementation and certification of two new management systems (Innovation management system, Occupational health and safety management systems)
Expected results
• Diversified range of products in an advanced production capacity using the latest technologies
• Turnover increased by at least 2% per year for the next 5 years
• Two management systems certified by 2020, as support for the intensive increase of the competitiveness by boosting the innovation effort and protecting the personnel
The project start date is 29.03.2018, and the end date is 20.11.2020.
The total value of the project is 8,069,803.26 lei, and the related grant is 4,149,351.00 lei, of which 3,526,948.35 lei from the European Regional Development Fund and 622,402.65 lei from the National Budget.
The project includes measures to improve the quality of the environment and to increase energy efficiency and / or to ensure equal opportunities and treatment.
Through the acquisition of the energy production system from renewable sources (photovoltaic) and the acquisition of state-of-the-art machinery / equipment with low energy consumption, the project implements measures regarding the efficient use of resources.
The installation of a photovoltaic system in order to produce electricity for the company’s own consumption will allow to obtain significant savings in electricity.
The company also implemented EN ISO 14001 – Environmental management system, which identifies and controls the environmental impact of its activities and products, thus contributing to the protection and improvement of the environment.
Machinery and equipment purchased through the project are with low energy consumption having implemented technologies that lead to energy savings. Their location in the production spaces was designed according to the order of the operations on the technological flow, so as to ensure an optimal circuit that will lead to the increase of the job efficiency and the improvement of the productivity.
The use of machines / equipment that have implemented latest technologies leads to the optimization of material consumption (assistive technologies, improving of landmark plans using specialized software applications, the use of forged semi-finished products, etc.).
Through the implementation of the project, the Occupational Health and Safety Management System OHSAS 18001: 2007 was audited and certified, which offers the necessary measures to control the risks in the field of occupational health and safety and to improve the performance in this field.
The innovation process was also audited and certified according to the standard SR CEN / TS 16555-1: 2013. This standard provides guidance on establishing and maintaining an Innovation Management System (SMI). Using a systematic approach to managing innovation is a good cornerstone for any organization in order to become more innovative.